Telpress Benelux BV / Telpress International BV

The Hague Operating office

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Telpress TOSCA Viewer 6

Stand alone real-time news terminal for redactional systems and press offices. This news terminal isn't just a handy tool, for a journalist and a press officer it represents most of its daily activity, integrates seamingless in their desktop or notebook and it simply does the job just fine. Used by thousands of journalists around the world, Telpress TOSCA Viewer is your best work companion, after a pen and a notebook. Here for more...
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Telpress TOSCA

One of the most polular real-time news processing platforms in the world.
TOSCA, the Telpress Open Structure Communication Architecture, is the powerfule engine behind many Telpress products empowering media organizations with a professional self contained platfowm and work-flow for receiving, archiving, distributing news.
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Telpress NewsReader
Real-time news terminal for professionals

How about reading 30.000 news a day, sorting them out and doing it with a web browser? NewsReader is a platform and ultimately a news terminal capable to handle real-time news feeds from all over the world. It's fully developed using in a lean AJAX environment. Telpress NewsReader it's a one-stop-shop for news agencies with its ability to handle thousand of users and thousand of news stories including all availeable multimedia news products.
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